09 February, 2009

Robert Sabatier

Robert Sabatier was a French poet and writer.

Sabatier was born on the August 17, 1923 in Paris.  He had written numerous novels, essays and books of aphorisms and poems. He was elected to the Académie Goncourt in 1971, as well as to the Académie Mallarme. He is also the author of "A History of the French Poems". He grew up in Montmartre, afterwards in the district of Canal Saint-Martin, he retold the story of his childhood in the series of "roman d'Olivier", one of which is "les Allumettes Suédoises", turned into a movie by Jacques Ertaud, which became a bestseller (3 millions copies were sold on this day), with more recent episodes such as "Olivier 1940", "les Trompettes Guerrières". "Les années secrètes de la vie d'un homme", which was translated to German and Swedish as "Ego", as well as "Diogène" and "le Traité de la Déraison Souriante" representing a more serious side of him. He is currently writing his memoirs.

Sabatier died on June 28, 2012  at the age of 88 in Boulogne.

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