

30 June, 2012

Sergio Kokis

Sergio Kokis is a novelist and painter Quebec born in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

He had a difficult childhood that led him to the age of nine years in correctional institution. He continued his studies, however, and attended the School of Fine Arts in Rio , before studying in philosophy .

In 1966 he obtained a scholarship in France , where he completed a Masters in psychology at the University of Strasbourg . He immigrated to Canada in 1969 and was hired as a psychologist at the Psychiatric Hospital in Gaspe . The following year he became doctor of clinical psychology from the University of Montreal .

He teaches in the department of psychology from the University of Quebec at Montreal . Since 1975 , he also worked as part-time psychologist at the Sainte-Justine Hospital .

From 1973 he studied at the School of Art and Design's Fine Arts Museum of Montreal and the Saidye Bronfman Centre in Montreal .

Since May 1997 , he devoted himself solely to painting and to writing .

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