

13 October, 2017

Jan Teulings

Johannes Marinus Antonius (Jan) Teulings was a Dutch actor. He appeared in more than thirty films from 1936 to 1987.

Teulings passed the MULO and subsequently received education in art history and literature of Wijnand Frans . He came in contact with the company De Rotterdammers of Louis Chrispijn where he made his debut in the season 1923/1924. Although he subsequently joined a large number of companies, he did not really start in the mid-thirties. He continued playing until he left Switzerland in 1977. After that he was no longer on the shelves.

His greatest fame was thanks to his many appearances on television, in series and games. In the 1967-1969 he played twelve times the role of inspector Maigret in the same television series (the role was previously played by Kees Brusse ). He was also featured in almost all series of Willy van Hemert . In the eighties he played his last roles in editing stories by Herbert Reinecker . Teulings died at the age of 84 and was cremated in Rotterdam .

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